Booking contract for any photo shoot
Ecom34 Sophie Thuilliez Photographer ECOM34 photo studio in St Jory
{name} {first name}
Address: {street} {postal code} {city} {country}
Phone: {tel}
Email: {email}
Hereinafter referred to as “the client”
It was agreed as follows:
The client called on the photographer for the following session:
Session type: {seance_type}
Scheduled for: {session_date} (Date to be determined after the birth of the baby in the case of a newborn session)
Location of the session:
General conditions of sale
These General Conditions of Sale (GCS) create a legal agreement and apply to all sessions and orders concluded between the client {first name} {last name} and the photographer Sophie Thuilliez, SIRET N°0785760137
For any further information, you can contact the photographer via the "Contact" tab on her or by email
The session is paid in 2 to 3 installments:
1- 50% deposit (30% for weddings) at the time of booking, payable by credit card or bank transfer,
2-the remainder on the day by credit card or cash (transfer for weddings)
3- Additional HD photos:
At the studio 15€/retouched photo, pack of 10 to 70€, to recover all the unretouched photos 50€
Outdoors +150€ for the entire retouched gallery
50% of the session fees are payable upon booking, online by credit card or transfer
The appointment date will only be validated after receipt of these session fees.
In the absence of payment and receipt of the signed contract within 3 days following the sending of the contract and the invoice by the photographer, the photographer does not undertake to keep the date. In the case of a last minute reservation (Reservation for a slot in less than a week), the deadline to validate the reservation of the session will be reduced, it will be noted on the invoice and in the reservation email.
In the case of a themed session, the contract must be signed and the session fees paid within 30 minutes of choosing the slot.
As booking a photo shoot is a personal process, the client does not have a right of withdrawal.
In the event of a newborn session in the studio, the client agrees to notify the photographer of the birth of the infant within 48 hours. The photographer agrees to be able to offer at least two different slots on two different dates.
Without announcing the birth in time, the photographer does not undertake to be able to offer a slot within the baby's three weeks of life.
In the event of a pregnancy termination, all sums paid will be refunded.
Any delay by the client will be deducted from the session time. Please notify the photographer by SMS at 07 85 76 01 37 if you are 10 minutes late. Please note that this is a strictly personal number, the photographer will not answer any other calls/SMS.
Any delay will be charged to the session time. After 30 minutes of delay (or 10 minutes in the case of a theme session or mini session), the photographer may refuse to carry out the session, no amount already paid will be refunded.
The photographer accepts payments by credit card, cash and transfer.
A private gallery will be created within an average of 7 days after the session. This time may be revised upwards or downwards depending on the photographer's workload.
The client will be able to view the selection of photographs selected by the photographer. The gallery remains active for 1 year.
Photographs ordered by the client (in the form of a digital file or physical product) are retouched within 2 weeks (excluding holidays).
The photographer disclaims any liability in the event of loss or deterioration of the digital files provided to the client.
Post-processing, like shooting, is specific to the photographer and is an integral part of her work, her style and her artistic universe. The photographer is the only one who decides on the post-processing she will apply to the photographs. Only the photographs processed by the photographer will be usable by both parties.
The photographs taken are protected according to the rules of articles L 121-1 and the law of March 11, 1957 (Intellectual Property Code and copyright). Even after transfer of the digital files, the photographs remain the intellectual property of the photographer and are therefore not royalty-free.
The client is authorized to reproduce the files and save them on any medium he wishes for the sole purpose of conservation, solely for his personal and private use. In the event of publication of the photographs by the client, the client agrees to cite the name of the photographer "Ecom34" and to mention his
Photographer Sophie Thuilliez may use and distribute, free of charge and non-exclusively, for any promotion concerning her, some photographs taken during this session (website, blog, Facebook page, Instagram, advertisements, photography competitions, books and demonstration products, etc.). The photographs may be published anonymously if the client wishes (without notification of first names).
Authorization is granted for a period of 3 years upon signing this contract. The authorization will be tacitly renewed for periods of 2 years. The client may terminate it at each deadline by sending an email to the photographer.
20- COVID19
As you know, with the current health crisis, we must take precautions during your sessions. These measures must be followed to the letter. Here they are:
- Wearing a mask for you and your children (except young children). Masks must be worn correctly (on the nose!) and will only be removed at the time of the photo shoot.
- No one is allowed to enter the studio outside of the immediate family: dad + mom + children.
- Hand disinfection at the entrance to the studio and as many times as necessary
- If you are a "contact case", please notify the photographer to postpone your session.
In the event of re-confinement, the session fees paid when booking will be transformed into a nominative credit, valid for one year from the date of signing the contract.
By signing this contract, the customer acknowledges having read and accepted all of the general conditions of sale above.